Hello Third Trimester!

It is becoming more and more real that I am not only pregnant, but this baby is going to be a rock star. He is just a bouncing fool most of the time.

Lately life has really gotten crazy. And with my drs appointments about to be spaced 2 weeks apart (instead of 4), and with labor and delivery classes around the corner (they start next Thursday) life is about to get even crazier!

Since I am in my 28th week, my little phone app has told me that baby is the size of a head if cauliflower.


He weighs approximately 2.5 pounds and will triple in size over the next 12 weeks. He won’t get much bigger per say, but just put some muscle and baby fat on dem bones!

Lately I have been feeling very, blah. Morning sickness is back at night. I also feel like my work outs are getting less and less challenging since I am totally off balance and can barely do anything involving coordination with out falling over (yes this includes walking). And I have into temptation yesterday and treated Carlo and myself to an ice cream waffle treat.


When I weighed myself yesterday I wasn’t surprised that I weighed the same, well up a few ounces. I really wanted to be down in weight since my last appointment. Not by much, maybe 1-3 pounds would have been good. I know stressing over the pounds is not good, and I’m “allowed” to gain weight. It’s just such a mental thing, and I’m having a tough time. That is all.

In other happier news I bought both hubs and I matching halloween costumes.



Guess which one is his?

We also went to look at strollers last night. I think we picked a good one, but only time will tell.


We picked the Graco Click Connect. Basically I can’t really run with bub until he’s about 6-8 months old. Why am I going to get a stroller that is meant for jogging that would sit in a closet or garage for 8 months? I figure this one would be great for walks, and when bub is old enough, for runs. Who knows? I may hate it when all is said and done. We didn’t purchase the stroller yet, we are waiting for after the baby showers. If we don’t get one, then we will go ahead and purchase one. This whole sitting around and waiting thing, is hard!

I saw this on Facebook this morning and it made me smile.


I figure I have 12-14 weeks left to cook this baby, then 6 weeks more post labor until I can run. It feels almost with in reach. And there’s that little job of pushing a baby out…but that’s no biggie, right?

What’s on your agenda today? Veg and watch Gilmore Girls all day long.

Have you picked out your halloween costume yet?


One thought on “Hello Third Trimester!

  1. beckydancer says:

    Whatever Carlo is eating looks Ah-MAZING. I know it must be hard to be sweating the pounds while knowing that you’re supposed to be calm and collected for the baby. You’ll find the balance, probably right before you pop, LOL.

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